Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing

What is EMDR?

EMDR is a form of psychotherapy that promotes healing from emotional distress and other symptoms resulting from traumatic events.

What can EMDR help me with?

EMDR can be used to treat many things, including PTSD, relational trauma and attachment wounds.

How does EMDR work?

EMDR stimulates both sides of the brain to help “reprocess” how stored traumatic memories impact us in our day to day lives. By engaging both sides of the brain using bilateral stimulation*, the brain’s information processing system is activated, allowing us to reprocess unresolved trauma in a healthier, less distressing way. EMDR replicates what your brain does during REM sleep to help you process information in a healthier, more adaptive manner.

So.. Is it like hypnosis?

Nope! You’ll be fully awake and conscious through the entire process. We’re not placing any information in your brain —just stimulating what’s already there (while taking out what you don’t want and allowing you to keep what you do)!

Do I have to pick between EMDR and talk therapy?

No. EMDR can be implemented into ongoing traditional talk therapy. This can be a little bit more case specific and can be discussed further in a free consultation!

What’s bilateral stimulation?

Bilateral stimulation is used to activate and integrate information from the brain's two hemispheres. It’s any kind of stimuli (auditory, visual or tactile) that occurs in a rhythmic left-right pattern. Think: following a ball at a tennis match, tapping your legs alternating with your right and left hands, or hearing a tone in one ear and then the other.

I have more questions about EMDR…

And I could talk about it all day— set up a free consultation to learn more!

EMDR Therapist